Saturday, August 1, 2009

Some Great Answers to Provocraft Gypsy Questions!

The author of the CleverSomeday blog interviewed Provocraft today regarding the Gypsy and got some additional answers to some of the more burning questions. Can I just say CleverSomeday should be called CleverRIGHTNOW?? She is just so smart - I LOVE IT! Head over to her blog HERE to see the answers!

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  1. It's so funny Joy...I found the post from Clever Someday, come over here to tell you, and....WELL OF COURSE YOU ALREADY HAVE IT POSTED!!!!

    Have a wonderful day, your blog ROCKS!!!

    --Gracie from Imagine That

  2. Cindy jdhayes@insightbb.comAugust 3, 2009 at 4:35 PM

    wonderful i love it.


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